Under the dusky moon, he sat in the dark; gazing
at the ghost cloud, gloomy or starless? unknown
Days, nights are alike, as if trapped in a black hole, 
where sight is lost to darkness,  with eyes widely
opened,  & everything just appears to be nothing

She never hear  the howl of the wind in  the forest
nor the yawl  of the  starved  coyote in  the desert
Or the roar of water passing through  a chute 
mope  around  with  broken  tongue, says  nothing
like a mute trumpet; sentenced to hushed confinement

Beneath the  baobab tree, still he  sat singing song
of solitude, as the wind blows &  the sands of time
drip slowly into oblivion, she passed by every night
to drop bread fruits & water, left without a word but
a consoling silence. ”May the  lord  bless this hand"

Days after days, how time flies rapidly like a swift
with the wings of moment into faded memories, &
Night never pass without dropping the life -- saver.
"Who is this  beautiful  soul, that kept watering my 
flower in this arid land? puzzled lip asked the wind.

At dead night, she came like a strange wind, muted.
Dropped the fruit.  "beautiful soul, redeem me from
this forest of purdah" His words echoed; haunting &
resounding, just like the wailings of a new born baby,
held his hand, in silence they walked down the wood.

Treading the blind path every day & night, in silence
moments cowed into blank days, induced by selfish
motive, unruffled feelings hidden under timid tongue
& faint-hearted-eyes, love finally grew into a wild fire
burning the dry forest of their heart, inextinguishable.

Green-eyed demons hovered with envy lips, spreading
bruit as truth & false into mixture, feeding gullible minds
& poisoning ears with "the blind, deaf & dump in love or
two-faced?" Envy lips pocketed shame, back-slide just
to feed both with empty cups of unseen rivals in action.

In the wood  one cold  night, after  the stomach ritual.
"What is love if not tasted? love is the spice in the food
of a blind man,"  he said to the wind. "Beloved, I'm Faith,
Love me blindly, the way you followed me". She replied.
"You're beautiful" Let's stay blind, deaf & dumb in love.

©® Jamiu Ahmed
