Tell me how to name my lover
Whose body is the burning sand
From a blasting fiery desert
Whose heart is the molten lava
that erupted beneath the crust
Tell me what to call my lover
Whose love is like walking
on a stone from a blazing fire
A minute with you is a year in hell
Do I need to burn myself to love you?
You said you love me
But your love is a scorching sun
that melt my heart like snowflakes
Slowly my tears drizzle with me, to
form a still water flowing to no where
Teach me how to love my lover
Whose fingers are thorny trees
with embedded arsenic acid
That caress my skin when darkness
wears the tender soul of the night
You told me to run after the horizon
Like chasing the shadow of tomorrow
Told me to fly & catch the stars for you
Yet you weigh me down like a bad news
Should I grow wings for you to love me?
Since your love is a mirage
I watched you die in my eyes
like the flashes of rainbow colors
Silently buried you, yet you slipped
Into my dreams like a ghost lover
These are my withered roses for you
Placed as epitaph on your illusory grave
For your love were embers from brimstone
Teach me how to remember my lover
Whose name never exist in my mind.
©® Jamiu Ahmed
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