My eyes are empty & drained of tears   
Now blood dripping through my nose
Couldn't breath, for my mouth now holds
Blazing hot water like an electric kettle

I can feel the smoke escaping through
The opening pores of my melting body
May be I just got burnt like a thick bush
Whose trees are hindrance to the rustic

I am that Christmas chicken, goat & cow
That got beheaded and die prematurely
In the hands of my brute & inhuman lovers
For my lovers love are acute-edged swords
That tear my flesh apart with sensual touches

I am that arable farmer with a shepherd lover
Whose love is to watch me grope in darkness
Combing for the death that killed my ancestors 
On the farm, despite we are one "farm-meal-ly"

How do I separate my shadow from darkness 
Without the sun as the ultimate source of light? 
When my phantom is my death that wears the
Body of a manslaughter chopping my head off. 

I know of a farm that turned abattoir overnight, 
Where herdsmen turned "Heads-men" at dawn, 
For they now see every farmer as a cattle, worthy 
To be butchered into pieces like sacrificial meats. 

©® Jamiu Ahmed
