In between the walls of foggy dreams, I sat
Bound by the restraining shackles from west
Time stood still,compromising fate and destiny
"Excessive patience is a bastard to life fulfilment"
She sighed, looking via my mirror of broken days.
Mother, "I'm breaking out of this cage of gory doom"
Life isn't for the coward with fears of gripping death
For death is a shadow that walk through life with us
So the ransom to live fully alive is to be willing to die
For diamonds are the ornaments in the eyes of dragons
To get one is to sharpen your spear made from rocks
Mother, "I know where lions engulf money like goat
The fate of money now lies in the bellies of the lions
Pulling out the buck isn't limited to lion hunters only
Riches rise with the numbers of lions I will live to kill
For the road to my paunch is the only road to heaven
Mother, "I know where Chaffy golds burn in fire"
To get one is to pass through the blasting hell
Where I will dance to the rhythm of a raving surge
Cremated alive with my dreams feeling guilt of it
And my ashes will be refine into a powdery gold
Mother, "I know where ardors are buried with corpse"
Cemeteries are the most richest grounds on earth
For mensch died with their passion crying for them
Cos they refuse to let their dreams come alive in time
Before death kissed them on their cold shaking minds
1000 mile and 8 days ride into the valley of death
Mother don't cry, I have chosen this route of freedom
Liberty to live, life fulfilment; are man's greatest wealth
If I die fighting for freedom, my soul shall not be buried
among the cold souls, who knows no victory nor failure
For to live fully is to be willing to die for what you want
©® Jamiu Ahmed
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